Pakistan Navy’s major maritime exercise Seaspark-18 kicks off

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Navy’s major maritime exercise Seaspark-18 began in Karachi on Monday.

The exercise spanning over two months will be conducted in Arabian Sea all along Pakistan Coast from Jiwani to Sir Creek.

The purpose of this exercise is to assess war preparedness and validate operational plans of Pakistan Navy taking cognizance of emerging regional and global challenges.

The exercise Seaspark-18 will provide impetus to Pakistan’s resolve of maintaining peace, security and stability in the region.

Read More: Pakistan Navy to conduct multi-national naval exercise ‘Amn’ in Karachi

Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force and representatives of the Ministry of Defense, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Finance are also participating in the exercise.

Pakistan Navy will conduct a multi-national naval exercise ‘Amn’ early next year in Karachi.

The exercise is conducted every year since 2007 and is participated by forces of various countries from around the world.

Amn-2019 will also be participated by the forces of different countries under the slogan given by Pakistan Navy ‘United for Peace’.

The exercise ‘Amn’ plays an important role in devising strategy for international maritime security and to promote unified stance for it.

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