Pakistani actor Imran Abbas has had an impressive run this far. After starring in prominent Pakistani drama serials and being the most known male model in the country, Abbas ventured into Bollywood. Although his Bollywood debut Creature 3D did not do well and failed to gain a nod from the critics. However, it was a prominent elevation for the Pakistani hunk, who availed the chance to star opposite Bollywood’s renowned actress Bipasha Basu.
Reportedly now, the actor’s upcoming movie Abdullah has successfully entered the prestigious Cannes Film Festival and reportedly, the event will be held from 15th-21st of May. Ther actor himself tweeted the news and announced that he was happy, honoured to attend the prestigious film event.
Abdullah revolves around the ghastly events of
2011 that took place in Quetta, when five Russians were killed at a Frontier Corps post. The foreigners were suspected to be militants and suicide bombers. According to a local newspaper, Imran will play the role of a truck driver.
It would be interesting to see how Imran Abbas fares in the upcoming movie. Since the movie has made it into Cannes, there seems to be little doubt as regards to its quality. This is the third Pakistani film which has made it to Cannes, after Saffan Qadir’s Holiday in December and Rayika Choudhri’s Baat Cheet already made it into Cannes.
Good luck to the rising star and we wish him well for the upcoming film, as well as all his other upcoming projects!
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