Passenger catches flying phone on a roller coaster

phone, roller coasterphone, roller coaster

A man from New Zealand saved fellow passenger’s flying phone during riding the Shambhala roller coaster ride at a  Spanish amusement park. 

The moment captured by on-board camera shows Samuel Kempf stretching out his hand to catch a dropped phone out of midair when the ride’s 80 mph speed caused it to go airborne.

He revealed that when a passenger riding further up than him dropped his iPhone X, he surprisingly grabbed the phone although he initially joked that it would land on the ground after spotting it in the air.

Kempf found the phone’s owner and returned him the phone when the ride ended. “He couldn’t believe it, he gave me a big hug,” Kempf told The Timaru Herald.

As a thank you gesture, the passenger who dropped the phone bought Kempf a copy of the roller coaster video.

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