Pizza restaurant offers to delay payments until customers die

Hell Pizza, a renowned pizza chain based in New Zealand, has introduced a rather unconventional proposition to its customers: the option to “buy now, pay when you die.”

Inspired by the increasingly popular “buy now, pay later” schemes embraced by various businesses in New Zealand, Hell Pizza has launched its unique promotion called “AfterLife Pay.”

In a statement, Hell Pizza CEO Ben Cumming expressed his concern over the expanding usage of buy now, pay later schemes for essential items such as food. Cumming believes that when such schemes start being used for indulgences, like their pizzas, it may be taking things too far, especially considering the significant number of people falling behind in their payments and the concerning 10.5% of loans in New Zealand that are currently in arrears.

Under the AfterLife Pay program, Hell Pizza plans to select 666 customers in New Zealand and 666 customers in Australia.

These fortunate few will have the opportunity to delay their pizza payments until they have departed from this mortal coil.

To participate in the program, the chosen customers will be invited to sign a legally binding amendment to their wills, authorizing the collection of the pizza cost upon their demise. Notably, no interest or fees will be charged.

For those intrigued by this unconventional offer, applications can be submitted through Hell Pizza’s website.

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