After ABC Studios, Priyanka also apologetic over ‘Quantico’ Hindu terror plot

priyanka choprapriyanka chopra

Following a harsh online backlash, rising Hollywood star Priyanka Chopra apologized on Sunday over an episode of a US TV series Quantico that featured Priyanka exposing a terror plot designed by Indian nationalists.

Priyanka, who is playing a role of an FBI agent named Alex Parrish in the series, was seen foiling the schemes of Indian nationalists, in the episode of June 1, who were planning a terror attack in the US with an intention to frame Pakistanis.

Priyanka, 35, took to Twitter to calm the outrage against her and wrote “I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico.”

“That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise,” she added.

In her justification, Bollywood superstar further asserted that she is a proud Indian and that will never change.

The particular episode of Quantico

, aired on June 1, triggered severe furor in India with several Indian hardliners taking to social media to condemn the particular episode’s story and their very own former Miss World Priyanka Chopra.

People went on to label Indian-born actress a ‘traitor’.

Earlier, ABC Studios, the producers of the crime drama, have also offered an apology while defending Priyanka.

“The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it,” US media quoted the studio as saying in a statement.

“The show has featured antagonists of many different ethnicities and backgrounds, but in this case we inadvertently and regrettably stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone.” ABC Studios wrote.


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