PTI govt vows to free police from political influence in Punjab

PTI police political influence PunjabPTI police political influence Punjab

LAHORE: Punjab Governor Ch Muhammad Sarwar said on Monday that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) government would empower police and the civil bureaucracy in order to free it from the political influence.

Addressing a ceremony to decorate the police martyrs at the Governor’s House, he said the police would be freed from the undue pressure of the public representatives so that it could stay impartial and maintain law and order.

The ceremony was held to award Quaid-e-Azam Police Medal and President Police Medal to the police officers who had laid their lives in the line of duty (martyrs). Medals were awarded to 103 martyrs.

“We stand at the crossroads of history and envision a country where political office-bearers do not interfere with the working of the police or civil bureaucracy and seek undue favour to win elections,” he said, adding the police must set its house right as well.

He regretted, “We have failed to pay homage befittingly to the martyrs and heroes like the living nations do, adding that only those nations live in the annals of hisotry which glorify their martys.”

He said Punjab police had rendered invaluable services for the eradication of crime and terrorism with their life and blood and maintain durable peace in the province, adding that the nation was proud of their tales of bravery and valour.

Ch Sarwar said the nations, whose individuals were ready to render sacrifices for the security and solidarity of the country, could never be dominated, expressing the faith that Pakistan came into being to live till eternity.

He said the country was a citadel of peace due to the sacrifices, adding that our frontiers and cities were safe and the terrorists were on the retreat today as a result of the glorious deeds of valour and bravery of the martyrs from the armed forces and the police.

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