AJK PM chairs APC core committee’s session to review IOK situation

MUZAFFARABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider on Saturday chaired a session of the core committee of the All Parties Conference (APC) to review the latest situation of the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The core committee comprising leaders from all political parties including Sardar Attique Ahmed, Chaudhry Yasin and others discussed the latest situation of the occupied valley.

The AJK leadership will finalise a joint strategy during the session against the brutalities continued by the Indian troops in the IOJK.

While addressing the session, PM Haider said that 41 days have passed since the imposition of curfew in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the New Delhi authorities are committing serious crimes against the humanity.

“Reputed institutions around the world are now listening the voices of Kashmiris. Humanity is suffering in the occupied valley and the global institutions must take immediate action against the tyrannical moves. Indian troops have commenced genocide of Kashmiris there.”

AJK PM demanded United Nations Security Council (UNSC), United States (US), European Union (EU) to immediately intervene for ending the miseries of innocent Kashmiris.

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