Actor Ranveer Singh, one of the three lead actors of ‘Padmavati’ said he stands by the movie and its director Sanjay Leela Bhansali amidst the ongoing controversy and protests.
“I am 200 percent with the film and I stand by it as well as Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Given that it is very sensitive time right now, I have been specifically asked not to say anything. Whatever official communication with regards to the film needs to be made, you will receive it from the producers,” Ranveer told media.
The actor was wary of talking about the movie as he was present at a store launch in Mumbai, when he was asked by rowdy reporters about the film’s ban in Maharashtra and Rajasthan states.
Before any further questions asked on ‘Padmavati’, Ranveer said: “Thank you very much for coming out today and before some ruckus happens here, I need to get out of here.”
ALSO READ: Padmavati release postponed amid controversy and protests
The actor plays Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji in the movie, which Bhansali says is a tribute to the valour of Rajput queen Padmavati, played by Deepika Padukone.
The film is in the eye of a storm following protests from conservative groups over alleged tampering of historical facts, a contention Bhansali has denied repeatedly.
The release of the film, which was earlier slated for December 1, has been deferred as the filmmakers are yet to secure a censor certificate. The Indian Supreme Court has twice this month refused to block the movie.
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