The newspaper stated that the college from which Reham Khan did her course in Broadcast Journalism, does not even offer that course.
A representative of the North Lindsey College informed the newspaper that no record exists of a student by the name of Reham Khan neither had a student by that name ever admitted into the college.
‘We do not have anyone by those names or date of birth having attended this college,’ Dailymail quoted the representative of the college as saying. ‘We have never done a degree in broadcast journalism.’
The representative also said that North Lindsey College does
not offer a course in Broadcast Journalism. It should be noted here that Reham Khan had provided her services to BBC as a broadcast journalist for a couple of years. It is pertinent to mention here that Dailymail also stated that ‘Reham could not be reached for comment.’
After the report surfaced and became talk of the social media, Reham tweeted that she was never a student at North Lindsey College and neither did it provide a course in Broadcast Journalism. In a tweet, Reham stated that this was the main reason she refrained from watching Pakistani TV channels and reading Dailymail.
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