According to ARY News, a two member apex court bench led by Justice Saqib Nisar held a hearing on the case amd inquired police and authorities if a certain group is spreading rumors what action has been taken to counter the spread of terror through such misinformation.
Additional IG and DPO Okara earlier told the court that many of such cases turned out to be deliberate disappearances on the part of child while parents registered a kidnapping case.
Advocate General too told court that no organ-trafficking gang has been linked to child kidnappings or disappearances, upon which the court laid stress on curtailing rumors.
However, lawyer Asma Jahangir challenged the police claim there is no organised group behind such kidnappings.
Jahangir claimed that police report accepts presence of such gangs, adding that gangs using children for drug trafficking and begging are operating freely within Punjab.
Organ transplant fears
Vice Chancellor King Edward University, in his statement, said that organs belonging to children less than 13 years of age are not allowed to be used for transplantation.
He added that even organs of children above 13 years of age are used with due permission from government and not all hospitals can do that sort of transplant.
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