Sindh govt promises infrastructure space to Russian investors


KARACHI: Russian Consul General Aleksandr G. Khozin on Monday assured that his country will extend all possible cooperation and assistance to the Sindh government to strengthen the bilateral trade relations.

He said this in a meeting with Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah in Karachi.

CM Murad said the Sindh government would provide infrastructure facilities to the Russian investors interested in establishment of industries in different industrial zones in the province.

Russia and Pakistan enjoy very warm relations. Recently, both the countries struck a deal regarding military training, according to which Pakistani military officers will receive training in Russian Federation military institutes.

Read More: Russia prepares for biggest war games in its history

In August this year, Pakistan and Russia had signed an agreement that allows for training of Pakistani troops at Russian military training institutes.

“Both countries signed the Contract on Admission of Service Members of Pakistan in RF’s (Russian Federation) Training Insti­tutes,” the defence ministry said in a statement.

The agreement was signed at the conclusion of the first meeting of Russia-Pakistan Joint Military Consultative Committee (JMCC), described by the defence ministry as the highest forum of defence collaboration between Pak­istan and the Russian Fede­ra­tion. The two countries had earlier this year, during the visit of the then foreign minister to Moscow, agreed to set up a commission to boost military cooperation.

The agreement came amid media reports that the US had stopped financing military training in the US for Pakistani soldiers — a step that Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed called “wrong and counterproductive.”

Hussain, chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee, said the US was repeating past mistakes through failed policy of trying to bully and browbeat Pakistan with such short-sighted sanctions.

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