Saulat Mirza spills 'target killing' beans

Awarded death penalty for killing KESC Managing Director Shahid Hamid,  his driver and a guard on July 5, 1997, in Karachi, Mirza opened up about his past, crimes and threats days before his execution and accepted that he was a member of MQM.

The video surfaced hours before he was set to be hanged to death in Machh Jail in Balochistan.

Saulat Mirza urged all political workers to open eyes to see that how he is being disposed off after achieving political ends.

“You should come out of this, it is not necessary that you enter politics or leave politics, but whatever you do, do it with open mind”, said Mirza.

He claimed that when a worker is arrested, MQM disowns him adding that whoever gets a little famous is thrown out of the party.

Mirza claimed that political workers are used for ‘dirty work’ in the name of rights and ideology and then disowned by the party.

“I was brainwashed, used and disposed off like a tissue paper”, said a grieved  Mirza.

The target killer revealed that one of the founding members of MQM, Azeem Tariq was killed on Altaf Hussain’s orders.

One of the shocking revelations that Mirza made was that he used to receive target killing orders directly  from Altaf Hussain through MQM’s senior leader Babar Ghouri.

Mirza maintained that he was looking for a platform to openly voice his views but did not get any before today and he still knows what is at stake.

“I still fear about my family, none other in my family belongs to MQM”, claimed Mirza.


Mirza claimed that he killed KESC MD Shahid Hamid on direct orders from Altaf Hussain as he and three others were called on Babar Ghouri’s house where on a phone, MQM chief Altaf Hussain gave orders to kill Shahid Hamid.

MQM protects target killers, criminals through Sindh Governor Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan.

Azeem Tariq was killed on the orders of party chief Altaf Hussain.

Former Karachi Mayor Mustafa Kamal was humiliated before being thrown out of the party.

Saulat Mirza openly asked for his execution to be delayed as he wants to help for establishment of peace in Karachi.

Related: Saulat Mirza’s execution delayed after confession video

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