Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali took notice after a note from the Registrar Officer which stated that the carnage outside the Civil Hospital Quetta was a well-coordinated and pre-planned attack.
CJ Jamali stated that the government and security agencies had failed to protect the lives and property of people, and their negligence was responsible for the Quetta attack.
The apex court expressed displeasure over the lack of facilities at hospital which results in the loss of precious lives which could easily be saved.
It said that many injured had to be shifted outside the province due to several succumbed to their injuries. It said that insufficient security and emergency arrangements are made during a major disaster which speak volumes about the efficiency of the state.
Inspecter-General Balochistan and Chief Secretary have been summoned on 20th September. At least 74 people mostly lawyers were killed during the suicide blast on 8th August.
Earlier the President of the Balochistan Bar Association Bilal Anwar Kasi was killed in a gun attack. The Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the attack, while Balochistan Chief Minister Sanaullah Zehri had blamed it on the interference of the Indian intelligence agencies.
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