Shamoon Abbasi, Sara Loren are finally flying back home

Some Pakistani actors including Shamoon Abbasi, Mohib Mirza, Sara Loren and Sanam Saeed, who were stranded in Thailand for almost two weeks, are finally returning to Pakistan on April 14 (today).

The actors went to Thailand for a film’s shoot which was later cancelled following the lockdown.

Shamoon and Sara took to social media to share the good news with their fans.

Finally some light in these tough times .Thank you to the Pakistani authorities.just been informed that we will be flying back to our homes tomorrow ( Tuesday 14th April 2020)  @ImranKhanPTI @PTIofficial“, the Kajraare

actress tweeted.

In a tweet, Shamoon also thanked the government of Pakistan and others who made their return from Thailand possible.

“Would like to thank the Pakistani ambassador Mr. Asim Iftikhar, col. Humayun, Atiqa Odho and Mr. Rashid Khwaja, that made our evacuation possible on 14th April at 3 pm from Bangkok Airport by a special flight arranged by the govt.Of Pakistan”.

Earlier, the Waar actor called on the government to help him and his 20 crew members including five actors who were stuck in Thailand due to flight cancellations amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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