PTI Chairman Imran Khan had announced to shut down Faisalabad on Monday, 8th December. He had asked traders and transporters to shut down their businesses for a day to protest against the prevailing system and the federal government.
The party chairman had said that a peaceful shutterdown strike will be observed on the day whereas he had warned that the protests will be turned into sit-ins if the authorities and the government resorts to violence against their activists.
According to the details received by ARY News, the shops and commercial centres have not opened as of yet. The situation will be much clearer as the day goes by.
PTI workers have started to arrive at the protest venues.
However, banners and posters of Tehreek-e-Insaf were torn and inked earlier. It should be noted that PTI and Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) brawled at Clock Tower Intersection of Faisalabad on Sunday and chanted slogans against each other’s party leadership. N-League activists also pelted eggs and tomatoes at the PTI supporters yesterday.
Crackdowns and raids were launched against PTI workers in Lahore on Sunday night.
Additional contingents of law enforcing agencies have been called in the city to curb any untoward incident throughout the day. SPO Sohail Tajik has said that more than 4,000 police officers are on duty across the city. He has said that strict action will be taken against those persons who resort to violence.
Water cannons have also been called to disperse the activists if the protests turn violent.
Government hospitals have been put on high alert and the vacations of the staff have also been cancelled.
PTI leader Shireen Mazari has said that the party will stage a peaceful protest against the alleged rigging in 2013 elections.
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