Kashmir Solidarity Day observed in Tehran

ISLAMABAD: The Embassy of Pakistan in Tehran organized a ceremony on Friday to observe solidarity with the innocent Kashmiris of the Indian Occupied Kashmir who have been recently subjected to worst kind of brutalities by Indian forces, says a press release received here from Tehran.

Ambassador of Pakistan to Iran Asif Durrani, in his speech, paid homage to the sacrifices of the valiant Kashmiris and said that the recent brutal use of force by the Indian forces had failed to suppress the indigenous struggle of the Kashmiri people aspiring for their right to self-determination.

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Referring to the recent brutalities and atrocities being committed by India against the Kashmiri people, Durrani said that Indian forces including Indian Army, Jammu & Kashmir Police, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and other Indian occupational forces had perpetrated a reign of terror and bloodshed, martyred more than 20, blinded youths by using pellet guns and injured scores of innocent peaceful Kashmiris in different parts of Shopian and Anantnag districts of IOK in the last one week.

“The brutal crackdown against peaceful Kashmiris by the Indian forces is an attempt to subjugate and suppress the voices of freedom. But, India has failed to suppress those voices.

“The indigenous nature of the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiri people also belies Indian propaganda of external involvement in the freedom movement,” he said.

Ambassador Durrani urged the international community to pressurize India to stop the reign of terror. He also called upon the permanent members of the UN Security Council to fulfill their commitments towards the people of Jammu & Kashmir under the UNSC resolutions.

The Ambassador thanked the Iranian Supreme leader Ayattollah Syed Ali Khamenei and the present government for supporting the cause of the Kashmiri Muslims and condemning the recent Indian atrocities in IOK.

Speakers, Syed Salman Naqvi and a senior student from Urdu Department, Tehran University, in their speeches, condemned the atrocities and human rights violations being committed by the Indian forces in the IOK.

Iranian scholars, academicians, intellectuals, media persons, members of Pakistani community, Pakistani and Iranian students from Urdu Department, Tehran University, participated in the event.

Read More: Pakistani community in UAE observes Kashmir Solidarity Day

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