SSGC disconnects 2,500 illegal connections in Karachi

SSGC, disconnects 2,500 illegal connections, KarachiSSGC, disconnects 2,500 illegal connections, Karachi

KARACHI: The Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) team conducted a successful operation against gas theft in Karachi and disconnected 2,500 illegal connections from houses located near Old Sabzi Mandi area, ARY News reported on Friday.

The spokesperson for SNGPL, Shahid Akram, said that another operation was carried out at Prince Road, Bhara Kahu, uncovering illegal pipelines.

Spokesperson Sui Southern Gas stated that gas was being stolen directly from the service line and was being supplied to 2,500 homes, however, the raiding team has disconnected all 2,500 illegal connections.

The spokesman said that the gas thieves were stealing four million cubic meters of gas annually, while the value of the stolen gas is Rs 7.5 billion.

The company spokesperson announced that fines will be imposed according to the gas load, adding that the SSGC had intensified its crack down on gas thieves across its franchise areas of Sindh and Balochistan.

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