Economic Crisis

Population Control: A Path to Economic Prosperity in Pakistan

Pakistan, like many developing nations, faces a myriad of economic challenges, including poverty, unemployment, and… Read More

Mired in multiple crises

We have celebrated the 77th anniversary of our independence of Pakistan on 14 August. As usual, there… Read More

Caught in a cobweb of challenges

We are entangled in a cobweb of multiple challenges that are hampering us to break… Read More

How Hyperinflation is Crippling Pakistan’s Middle Class

Pakistan is grappling with an unprecedented economic crisis, and the salaried class is bearing the… Read More

United States to support Pakistan’s economic reforms

WASHINGTON: The United States vows to support Pakistan for economic reforms. On Tuesday, State Department… Read More

Pakistan repays $1 bln in Eurobonds

Pakistan has repaid $1 billion in Eurobonds as a scheduled payment ahead of seeking a… Read More

Global banks face negative outlook

LONDON: Sluggish global growth, a higher risk of borrowers defaulting on loans and pressure on… Read More

Rajapaksa brothers contributed to economic crisis: Sri Lanka court

Sri Lanka's top court ruled on Tuesday that former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his brother,… Read More

PDM govt spent Rs10 billion on advertisement despite economic crisis

ISLAMABAD: Despite the economic crisis, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government spent Rs10 billion on… Read More

Shamshad says govt determined to take country out of economic crisis

KARACHI: Caretaker Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs Shamshad Akhtar said that the caretaker… Read More

Unknown destination

Pakistan is facing the consequences of clash of wills of individuals who apparently have failed… Read More

Dangers of internal instability

There is hardly any doubt that internal stability is the most crucial factor every state… Read More

Pakistani economy is tanking while global economy is picking up

It is indeed ironic to observe that while the global economic situation is recovering from… Read More

Uncontrolled Price Mechanism

Though people keep repeating ad nauseum that Pakistan is in the vice-like grip of cartels… Read More

Power Of Retailers Amid Sky-High Inflation

The Increasing power of retailers and conventional wisdom is that Pakistani polity suffers from the… Read More

Finance Minister lauds World Bank’s efforts for Pakistan’s economic stability

ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Finance Minister Dr. Shamshad Akhtar has reiterated that Pakistan values its development partnership… Read More

PDM govt spent billions on media ads amid economic crisis

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government has spent billions on media advertisements in the… Read More

When will Pakistan finally come out of crisis?

It is always a crisis situation in Pakistan and there is hardly anything that could… Read More

Auto financing shrinks

The slackness of the national economy has started to hit almost all economic aspects of… Read More

Pakistan’s economy still under clouds!

The new caretaker administration realises fully-well that it has not inherited a bed of roses… Read More