UN chief

Russia admits striking Kyiv during UN chief’s visit

Russia confirmed Friday that it carried out an air strike on Kyiv during a visit… Read More

UN chief tells Security Council: Afghanistan ‘hanging by thread’

UNITED NATIONS: Afghanistan is "hanging by a thread," United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the… Read More

Fund efforts to avoid humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, UN chief urges

NEW YORK: Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres has Tuesday called on the international… Read More

Gaza truce could help revive efforts for negotiated settlement: UN chief

Says his visit to New York to attend the General Assembly session on Palestine was… Read More

UNGA session: UN chief calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

"Fighting must stop immediately," said António Guterres Read More

UN chief calls for immediate ceasefire between Israel, Palestine

“Fighting must stop. It must stop immediately,” Guterres told an emergency meeting of the Security… Read More

UN chief urges global summit to declare ‘climate emergency’

UN chief Antonio Guterres on Saturday urged world leaders to declare a "state of climate… Read More

UN chief to study Pakistan’s dossier regarding Indian state terrorism

Briefing the journalists in New York, the Deputy Spokesman of the UN Secretary-General, Farhan Aziz… Read More

Coronavirus reveals ‘fragility of our world’: UN chief

Coronavirus is an "x-ray" that has revealed "fractures in the fragile skeleton of the societies… Read More

UN chief warns pandemic could spark global food emergency

"More than 820 million people are hungry," he said. "Some 144 million children under the… Read More

Shibli Faraz welcomes UN Chief’s statement against Islamophobia

The information minister said India's extremist posture against the Muslim population is violation of human… Read More

FM Qureshi contacts UN chief, discusses deteriorated situation in IOJK

FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi has made a telephonic conversation with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to… Read More

UN chief adds voice to calls for release of Kashmiri prisoners in IoK

As for prevailing situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir, he said the UN Secretary General believes… Read More

UN chief says coronavirus is worst global crisis since World War II

The New York-based United Nations was founded at the end of the war in 1945… Read More

UN chief says drop in emissions from virus will not solve climate crisis

Guterres warned that while the global outbreak of coronavirus may have caused a temporary drop… Read More

UN chief terms Turkish troops’ killing one of ‘most alarming moments’ of Syria war

The 15-member Security Council met on Friday after 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in Idlib. Read More

Pakistan effectively working to eradicate polio: UN chief

It may be noted that a five-day countrywide anti-polio drive commenced from Monday to immunize… Read More

UN Chief Antonio Guterres visits Kartarpur corridor

He was received by Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Pir Noor-ul-Qadri. Read More

UN chief thanks Mahira Khan for raising awareness about plight of refugees

He thanked her for her efforts in raising the plight of refugees. Read More

UN chief praises Pakistan’s peacekeeping contributions

'Pakistan is amongst the top contributors to the UN peacekeeping missions' Read More