KARACHI: A teenage boy staged a drama of his abduction to get Rs2 lakhs from his family in Karachi, ARY News reported.
According to the details, a 17-year-old boy, resident of Pak Colony, went outside his house but did not return till late night two days back. His family started searching for him but could not find any clue.
The following day, his elder brother received a phone call from female “kidnappers” demanding a ransom of Rs0.2 million.
Meanwhile, his brother registered and
FIR with the police about the incident and the case was shifted to the police’s anti-violent crime cell. A team of the AVCC launched investigations into the kidnapping for ransom and soon traced the location of the alleged Kidnapers.
After tracing the location, the police conducted raid at a house in Orangi Town and recovered the boy and two female kidnappers.
During the initial interrogation, the boy told the police that he had staged his abduction drama to get Rs0.2 million from his brother.
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