China has discovered a bird having very much resemblance with United States President-elect Donald Trump.
Trump was a controversial candidate from Republican party of America for the race of presidency because of his nasty rhetoric against Muslims, women and immigrants.
The bird with long tail found in China has the same yellow hair like Trump. At look it seems as if the bird itself has combed back its hair in the same manner.
Read More: Donald Trump ‘planning registry for Muslims’
A footage shows the multi-colored bird caged somewhere in the world without knowing the fact that his face resembles with president of the most powerful country on earth.
According to Reuters, Trump, who scored an upset victory last week over Democrat Hillary Clinton, made building a wall on the US-Mexico border a central issue of his campaign and has pledged to step up immigration enforcement against the country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants. He has also said he supports “extreme vetting” of Muslims entering the United States as a national security measure.
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