We will force Govt to implement agreement, says Hafiz Naeem

LAHORE: Jamaat Islami chief Hafiz Naeem has vowed to force the government to implement the agreement with his party, ARY News reported on Tuesday.

Talking to media JI Ameer said that the law and order has also worsen in Punjab in comparison to the past.

He said 74 percent people of Pakistan could not spend owing to their incomes. “A large number of the youth don’t want to stay in the country due to lack of opportunities”.

Hafiz Naeem said that the expensive RLNG agreements have destroyed the economy. “The government warns that the IPPs will go to the international court if contracts with them violated”, he said.

He said that the FBR’s interference will affect exports. Pakistan bearing losses of 250 billion owing to the border smuggling.

“We promise to the people, we will force the government and implement the agreement”, he vowed.

He said the absence of honesty in governance used to overburden people. “We will go outside again if the ruling class fails to implement the agreement.

“We will give a call for peaceful protest along with the traders bodies. We also have other options of protest,” he added.

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