“Without the progress of women, it is not possible for any nation to progress,” Ali Begum

Kurram Agency: “Without the progress of women, it is not possible for any nation to progress. 50% of the population cannot stay inactive and illiterate. They will have to move forward in this race for progress,” says Ali Begum, the first-ever woman to contest general elections from Kurram Agency. 

[bs-quote quote=”To play a part in the run of progress, I decided to take part in 2018 elections. Education and progress is my passion and I want to work for the population of my Agency.” style=”default” align=”center” author_name=”Ali Begum”][/bs-quote]

Ali Begum, now 63 years old, served as a bureaucrat for 29 years retiring in 2009 from important posts both in KPK and FATA, “If I get a chance to become MNA my special attention would be towards bringing women forward, and to search resources for their progress and education.”

Being torchbearer of girl’s colleges in her area, the former bureaucrat believes that education and employment for the youth would bring real peace, “I give the message of Unity, Eductaion and Progress to the people of Kurram Agency and God willingly, I am going to be with them in this and I hope that Kurram Agency, not only for Fata, but will be an example of progress for the entire Pakistan.”

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