WWF Pakistan answers, why strange smell engulfs parts of Karachi

Karachi Strange SmellKarachi Strange Smell

KARACHI: The Word Wide Fund-Pakistan has unveiled the cause of strange smell that has enveloped different parts of the city for the past few days.

The stench was caused by the decay of a small free floating organism called noctiluca scintillans also known as Sea Sparkle.

“Mass bloom of this small organism was reported in the Arabian Sea including the coast of Pakistan,” WWF-Pakistan director Moazzam Khan said.

It is reported that the bloom was more prominent along the Pakistan and Oman coasts.

“The change of wind direction causes the decay of the sea sparkle and create this stinking smell,” the official said. “This foul smell will persist for two to four days,” WWF-Pakistan official said.

Noctiluca scintillans blooms occur in two forms, i.e.orange (or red)and green, which sometimes result in the mortality of fish and shellfish, according to experts.

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