Veteran actor Asma Abbas and the very stunning Madiha Iftikhar have joined the ensemble cast of the hotly-anticipated sequel, titled ‘Baby Baji Ki Bahuwain’.
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The wait is officially over, and the sequel to everyone’s favourite serial ‘Baby Baji’ is about to begin, with a bigger, better cast, including Asma Abbas and Madiha Iftikhar.
The introductory teaser of the new cast members was unveiled by the makers on Wednesday evening, introducing Abbas as the dynamic phupho of Azra (the eldest daughter-in-law of the titular character), and Iftikhar, as the former’s daughter.
The now-viral teaser has been watched by millions of viewers across the platforms, while eager fans swamped the comments sections to share their excitement for the project, with this additional cast.
Also Read: Azra takes on the responsibility to lead the family in ‘Baby Baji Ki Bahuwain’!
Apart from Abbas and Iftikhar, the ensemble cast of the sequel includes Javeria Saud and her real and reel-life husband Saud Qasmi, Hassan Ahmed and Sunita Marshall, Tuba Anwar, Junaid Jamshed Niazi and Fazal Hussain, reprising their characters from the previous season.
Tehseen Khan is back in the director’s chair, to helm the direction of the project, whereas, Saqib Ali Rana has penned the script for ‘Baby Baji Ki Bahuwain’.
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