Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan confessed to taking banned drugs and his friend Arbaaz Merchant was possessing six grams of narcotics when the Narcotics Control Board (NCB) officials raided their rave party.
The report stated that the investigating officer questioned Khan and Merchant if they possessed any banned substance to which the latter replied in positive, adding that it was hidden in his shoe.
Arbaaz Merchant had volunteered to take a bag that had a sticky and black substance, which turned out to be six grams of narcotics, the report mentioned.
It was further stated that he said that Khan and he both took drugs before going to the party on the cruise, the report mentioned.
Khan has reportedly admitted that he was taking charas, adding that they had planned on using the seized substance drug seized while on the ship.
The bail plea of Shah Rukh Khan’s son has been rejected. He and other suspects will be inside quarantine cells.
Sameer Wankhede, the zone director of the anti-narcotics department’s Mumbai chapter, said that the prosecution will be trying to come to a logical conclusion of the drug bust case.
“Our case is strong and will be presented in the sessions court,” he was quoted saying in the report. Aryan Khan and seven other suspects in the case were sent on 14-day judicial custody after their NCB remand ended.
They were arrested during a raid on Sunday during a party taking place on a ship cruise.
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