Dead whale washes ashore on Manora Island

Dead whale, Karachi, Whale, Manohra IslandDead whale, Karachi, Whale, Manohra Island

KARACHI: A large dead whale has been found on the shores of Manohra Island in Karachi on Wednesday, ARY News reported.

According to ARY News, fishermen found a 28-foot-long whale at Manora, which was washed away in the waves off the coast.

Fishermen say the striped dead whale is seven to eight feet wide and more than twenty-eight feet long. All the agencies were unaware and the fishermen dragged a huge fish from Manora without any intervention.


The dead whale has not yet been reported to KPT and the Fisheries Department. The giant dead whale more was pulled from Manora to Fish Harbor, but no agency took notice of the matter.

Earlier, Fishermen caught a shark, weighing 200kg in the open sea near Kund Malir, drawing a large number of visitors to catch a sight of the marine giant.

The Shark was caught by the fishermen while fishing in the sea near Kund Malir. This is the biggest marine species found in an open sea.

The fishermen said the marine giant has been found in Pakistan for a long time.

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