Doctors warn of drugs shortage amid unabated curfew in IoK

In occupied Kashmir, doctors have warned that the grim situation has led to a blatant denial of the right to healthcare amid unabated curfew and communication blackout imposed in the territory since August 5.

A group of 18 doctors from across India through a letter called for the lifting of the restrictions immediately.

Read More: Situation in Occupied Kashmir much worse than being shown: Iranian Media

The doctors warn of increasing shortages of drugs and problems with travel, including patients not being able to travel for routine care.

Curfew and other restrictions continue on the 16th consecutive day on Tuesday (today) since Narendra Modi government announced scrapping of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

Read More: Besieged Kashmiri neighbourhood in test of wills with India’s Modi

The entire occupied territory particularly the Kashmir has been turned into a military garrison as Indian troops and police personnel are deployed in every nook and corner. In Srinagar, thousands of troops and policemen are patrolling the deserted streets, lanes and by lanes to thwart any attempt of people to stage anti-India demonstrations.

The authorities also continue to impose information blockade as TV channels and internet links remain snapped and restrictions on media continue since 5th August.

Read More: Indian Nobel Laureate slams Indian decisions and policies on IoK

Almost all Hurriyat leaders, including Syed Ali Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq continue to remain under house arrest or in jails. Thousands of other political leaders and workers including three puppet chief ministers Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti are detained over the past two weeks.

Since August 4, an unprecedented communications blockade has been imposed in the region, cutting the region from the rest of the world and preventing contact within Kashmir and with the outside world for the 16th consecutive day today.

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