French citizen robbed of 5,000 euros in Karachi

In a shocking incident, a French citizen was robbed of 5,000 euros in Karachi’s Red Zone, ARY News reported on Friday.

As per details, the incident occurred outside a hotel in the Artillery Maidan area of Karachi.  A French citizen was stopped by robbers, who introduced themselves as policemen.

The pseudo policemen robbed the French citizen of 5,000 euros and ran away, the police.

The police authorities said the French citizen had not filed any complaint of the incident so far.

Earlier, a Germany-returned citizen was robbed at his doorstep in Karachi.

Read more: Germany-returned citizen robbed at doorstep in Karachi

As per details, the incident occurred in Buffer Zone 15A where a citizen was followed by armed assailants from the airport to his doorstep.

Police officials stated when the man reached his doorstep, his bag carrying euros, Rs 1.3 million cash, two mobile phones and a German national card was snatched at gunpoint.

Furthermore, police have registered the FIR of the robbery in Karachi’s Taimoria police station.

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