Hafeez Sheikh calls for steps to bring down prices of essential items

ISLAMABAD: In an effort to provide relief to the masses, Federal Finance Minister Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh on Monday directed to take all possible measures to bring down prices of essential items, including eggs, wheat flour and vegetables, ARY News reported.

Presiding over a meeting of the national price monitoring committee through video link in Islamabad, Hafeez Sheikh directed the provincial governments to keep a close watch on the prices of wheat to avoid hoarding, black marketing and smuggling to ensure uninterrupted supply of wheat at affordable prices.

The meeting was briefed that there has been a nominal increase in weekly sensitive price indicator by 0.11 percent. Prices of ten basic items decreased notably onions, potatoes and chicken.

It was informed that the wheat stock position is sufficient for the domestic consumption and the average per day release to the provinces is also satisfactory.

Minister for Industries and Production Hammad Azhar apprised that they are closely monitoring the prices of sugar and edible oil to ensure uninterrupted supply at fair prices.

Read More: Hafeez Shaikh directs provinces to control prices of food items

Earlier on December 7, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh had directed the provinces to control the prices of essential food items.

Presiding over a meeting of the national price monitoring committee through video link in Islamabad today, Hafeez Shaikh asked the province to take strict action against the hoarders and profiteers to maintain stability in prices of the food items across the country.

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