Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli tied the knot in a hush-hush wedding function in Milan, Italy, on December 11 then they held grand wedding reception ceremonies in Delhi and Mumbai on December 21 and 26 respectively and during all this hustle and bustle the couple made no interaction with the media.
In his first post-marriage reaction to media, Virat said it was extremely crucial for him to get married (at this time viewing his busy schedule ahead). He is set to play three-match Test series starting on January 5, 2018 in South Africa. India will also play six ODIs and three T20s against Proteas.
He also said his engagement in preparation for marriage took three weeks and it had no bad impact on his cricketing skills.
The ace Indian cricketer was reportedly asked how difficult it would be for him to make a comeback in cricket following his business in wedding functions.
Virat Kohli said it would not be any challenging to make a comeback in cricket as the game was in his blood.
“Returning to my professional job is no difficult for me,” he said.
He said even during the hiatus he did practice for the intense cricket series of South Africa.
Virat along his wife has left for South Africa where the couple would welcome the new year.
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