Two judges of Karachi City Court test positive for COVID-19

KARACHI: Two judges of the Karachi City Court test have tested positive for the COVID-19, ARY News reported on Monday. 

The number of COVID-19 positive patients is rapidly increasing at the City Court.

Senior Civil Judge South Asghar Ali after testing positive for the coronavirus has quarantined himself, while Judicial Magistrate South Kamran Kalhoro is also hospitalized after testing COVID positive.

Showing concern on the increasing number of positive cases at the City Court, All Pakistan Judicial Employees Association has said lack of protective measures is leading to an increase in the cases.

Meanwhile, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah has announced Covid-19 restrictions were being tightened in the province to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Read more: More areas of Karachi’s District Central put under smart lockdown

Chairing a meeting of the Coronavirus Task Force, he said new restrictions will be enforced from 12 midnight today. No one would be allowed to leave their homes after 8pm expect emergency and essential work. There would be a complete ban on commercial activities after 6 pm.

Essential services, including pharmacies, medical facilities, petrol pumps, bakeries, and milk/dairy shops, takeaways and home deliveries have been excepted from the ban, he announced.

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