US State Department’s ‘inconsistent’ tweet on Kashmir disappointing: MOFA

ISLAMABAD: The tweet by the US state department where it made a reference to Kashmir is inconsistent with the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir, said Thursday the Pakistani ministry of foreign affairs (MOFA) in response, ARY News reported.

The tweet by the US State Department is “inconsistent with the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir as recognized by numerous United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions and the international community”, MOFA spokesperson responded to media queries regarding the reference of Kashmir, following the news of resumption of 4G in the illegally occupied territory.

It said Pakistan is disappointed to note the reference to Jammu and Kashmir in the tweet regarding the resumption of 4G mobile internet in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The reference is inconsistent with the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir as recognized by numerous UNSC resolutions and the international community.

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It said in a press release today that Jammu and Kashmir issue is one of the oldest items on the agenda of the UNSC, which remains unresolved because of “India’s intransigence and unwillingness to implement the relevant UNSC resolutions and its own solemn commitments made to Pakistan, the Kashmiris and the international community”.

“The political and economic progress of the people of Jammu and Kashmir is inextricably linked to the realization of their desire for exercising the right to self-determination,” the statement following The US State Department tweet read.

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