Amidst the news of the untimely demise of Indian actor Poonam Pandey, which sent shockwaves across the industry, an insider says that the reality TV star died of drug overdose and not cervical cancer.
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As learnt by an Indian media outlet, from an insider source, the real reason for Poonam Pandey’s death might be a drug overdose, and not cancer, as announced by her team in a social media post.
Her ‘demise was not a result of cervical cancer; rather, she tragically lost her life due to an unfortunate drug overdose,’ the publication reported, while the drugs in question are not known as yet.
Pertinent to note here that the former ‘Lock Upp’ contestant reportedly lost her battle with cancer in the late hours of Thursday, as announced by her social media team on Instagram.
“This morning is a tough one for us. Deeply saddened to inform that we have lost our beloved Poonam
to cervical cancer,” read the note posted on the social platform on Friday morning. “Every living form that ever came in contact with her was met with pure love and kindness. In this time of grief, we would request for privacy while we remember her fondly for all that we shared.”
Pandey made her Bollywood debut in ‘Nasha’ (2013) and continued working in films across the languages. She last appeared on the big screen in Jagbir Dahiya’s ‘The Journey of Karma’ (2018).
Meanwhile, she was also one of the most prominent contestants on Kangana Ranaut-hosted reality show ‘Lock Upp’.
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