PUBG PC introduces new features, weapons

New features to the game as well as new items and weapons, new gameplay tweaks and more are now available in the  PUBG PC 5.2 update, which is now live on the test server.

The new update introduces PUBG Labs, allowing players to contribute to testing new features and directly help the game and the community to grow.

It was said that the labs would serve as a space where the game would work with the community and players to experiment new game modes, rule sets and features and feedbacks on it would be used to improving the gaming system.

Vikendi Update

The update also introduces some changes to the Vikendi map, changes that will make it easier for players to engage in sniping duels.

A clean up of Vikendi was carried out to make it more appealing to the Long Gun Hunters in our midst. More vehicles will be appearing on the map to help players.

Improved terrain

New roads have been added to reduce the difficulty of moving through certain snow-covered areas of Vikendi.

Along with the roads added, the amount of vehicles across the map have increased and locations adjusted.

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A cold front has moved in and the river around Castle has frozen over to allow players to navigate that area more easily.

Improved towns in Vikendi

A few of Vikendi’s towns were seldom visited due to complex structures or not enough loot, therefore chnages were made to the following areas:

Volnova has been reshaped in general.

Item spawn counts in Peshkova have increased

Improved game-play balance

Blue Zone balance on Vikendi has been adjusted so that players can set up strategies using more varied routes. The size of early safe zones has increased. Speed of early Blue Zones has increased. The size and speed of mid and late-game Blue Zones remain similar to previous updates.

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The PUBG PC 5.2 update introduces a Way Point feature and more gameplay changes. The game is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, and Android.

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