I’ve never seen or met my father: Sahiba

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Former Lollywood star Sahiba Afzal, daughter of veteran actor Nisho, revealed she has never seen or met her biological father.

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Sitting across from veteran actor Sajid Hasan, on his digital chat show, former film star Sahiba Afzal took the host by surprise when she revealed that she had never met her real father, however, she shared a great bond with her step-father until his last breath.

Speaking about her father, the ‘Kanpain Tang Rahi Hain’ actor said, “I’ve never seen or met my [biological] father, my mother had separated from him before my birth.”

She continued, “My step-father, whom I never like to address as a step-father because he is above biological one for me, gave me so much love and warmth.”

She continued, “He is not in this world anymore, May Allah bless him with the highest ranks in

Jannah. It has been five years to his death and till his very last moment, we shared a great bond. He was more like a friend to me, whom I shared all my secrets with, which I didn’t even with my mother. Because of his presence, I never felt that void of a father in my life.”

“His name was Jamal Pasha and he was once a pilot by profession and also worked for TV channels,” Sahiba added.

Notably, Sahiba is married to actor-comedian Afzal Khan aka Jan Rambo and the couple shares two sons together.

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