Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn, who will share the screens with A-listers R. Madhavan and Jyotika Saravanan in the upcoming horror film ‘Shaitaan‘, recalled his experience with paranormal activities.
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Ajay Devgn is promoting his upcoming film ‘Shaitaan‘ these days. Its trailer showed R. Madahavan taking refuge in Ajay Devgn and Jyothika Saravanan’s house and terrorizing their family.
He hypnotizes their daughter and uses her as a weapon to terrorize the family.
A report by Indian news agency India Today quoted the actor admitting that he has experienced paranormal activities during shooting in f.
“I have experienced a lot of supernatural cases,” he was quoted saying in the report. “Earlier, we used to shoot outdoors where we faced paranormal activity. In the first 10-12 years of our career, we have seen a lot of paranormal activity.
“I have had many experiences, I don’t know how much of them are true, and how many are in the head. But I have rarely met anyone who does not believe in this. When we leave the house or fall sick, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is an evil eye. This belief is unanimous.”
Speaking about working in ‘Shaitaan‘, the veteran actor said he wanted to work in a horror film because he loves the genre and black magic is a reality.
“I wanted to do horror as a genre for a long time, I had done Bhoot before. I love this genre because black magic exists in every culture,” he said.
The actor added, “This film is not just about me, anybody whose family faces this will have a sense of responsibility. I am one of them.”
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