In an unfortunate incident that was caught on camera, a small plane crash-landed over an SUV and later exploded into flames resulting in the death of three people including a child.
The entire tragic episode was caught on a doorbell camera near North Perry Airport in Florida.
The video showed a dark-colored SUV driving along the road when the plane abruptly nosedives into it from above at a 45-degree angle.
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Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue announced that both of the plane’s passengers were pronounced dead at the scene.
A four-year-old boy was riding in an SUV with his mother when the small plane struggling to return to a South Florida airport crashed into them on a residential street.
The occupants of the vehicle were rushed to a hospital where it was later confirmed that the boy, identified as four-year-old Taylor Bishop, succumbed to his injuries.
Read More: WATCH: Huge cargo plane crash lands, skids off the runway
His mother Megan Bishop is a teacher’s aide at Hollywood Hills Elementary School.
The site of the crash is close to a nearby airport, and residents have shared their concerns, claiming incidents such as this have become increasingly common.
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