Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s son-in-law Nupur Shikhare is being brutally trolled on social media for wearing vest and shorts during his wedding with Ira Khan.
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Nupur Shikhare and Ira Khan tied the knot in a registered marriage at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai’s Bandra area. The groom, who is a fitness expert, had surprised everyone by donning a black vest and white shorts paired on the occasion.
Moreover, he and his friends had jogged to his wedding in Bandra from Santa Cruz.
After the pictures and videos Nupur Shikhare and Ira Khan’s wedding went viral, netizens trolled him for his choice of clothes on the occasion. They took jibes at the groom on social media.
Here’s what they said.
It is pertinent to mention that Nupur Shikhare and Ira Khan’s first interaction happened during the COVID-19 lockdown. The couple exchanged rings in November last year.
A grand wedding function is scheduled to happen on January 8 in Udaipur. The couple, along with their families, will leave for the city soon.
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