Viral video shows paragliding act going horribly wrong

In a shocking turn of events caught on camera, a man assisting two people attached to a paragliding aircraft was pulled up in the sky owing to pressure from gusty winds.

The incident occurred in Chile as the video shows an instructor and a student strapped into a paragliding aircraft and dressed in all the suitable gear, including crash helmets.

It shows that as soon as the instructor was strapping belts around the student, the wind blew them up in a dangerous way that the teacher remained hanging onto the front of the harness as the paragliders get higher and higher.

However, the pilot of the aircraft acted sensibly and drag it to a lower altitude, helping the man to jump to a safe location.

Fortunately, the ground worker was unharmed in the incident.


Chile’s air travel regulator, the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), launched an investigation into the incident with one of the officials saying: “In the face of videos circulating on social networks, of an incident involving a paraglider in the village of Las Vizcachas, in the commune of Puente Alto, the DGAC is compiling all the background of the case.”

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