Some words enter daily usage and are used without realising that their excessive usage has somewhat corroded their application.
People having the tendency to keep using them are not mindful that such words lose their potency.
One offshoot of repeating these words is that many of their synonyms are ignored causing loss of vocabulary.
It must be appreciated that increasing vocabulary is an important aspect of improving effective means of communication and restricting it reduces the potency of speech.
It is therefore important to shore up the vast archives of words and use them for adding flavour to conversation as well as opening new and interesting vistas of communication.
Amazing In recent years, it has become commonplace to describe anything the slightest bit good as “amazing.” According to the dictionary, “amazing” means “causing astonishment, great wonder, or surprise.”
So, next time one is about to blurt out the a-word, he or she should stop and think
about what one really means. Perhaps one could appropriately use “astonishing,” “stunning,” or “jaw-dropping,” in which case any of those words will better convey the meaning than the diluted “amazing.”
A lot of A lot of mistakenly put as a lot of is technically correct but there are more concise ways of describing abundance, depending on the context, such as “copious,” “numerous,” “plentiful,” “myriad,” or even “oodles,” if one is keeping it casual.
Literally Another rampantly misused word, “literally” refers to the most basic, straightforward meaning of something—as in, the opposite of “figuratively.”
So, if one says “I was literally drowning in paperwork,” that means the body really was
submerged in a pile of papers. If that is not truly what happened, but one feels intensifying the statement, then it would be better to try “positively” or “absolutely” which add emphasis without making it seem as if one’s life was in danger.
There is nothing wrong with the verb “change,” but if one uses it four times in a five-paragraph essay, an appropriate synonym will elevate one’s writing.
Depending on the context, one could use “alter,” “transform,” “revamp,” “modify,” “fluctuate,” “vary,” “shift,” or “metamorphose,” to name a few examples.
Using the verb “like” is the simplest way to show partiality toward something, but there is also “favour,” “prefer,” “care for,” “enjoy,” “relish,” “appreciate,” “adore,” “cherish,” and “dig.”
There is more than one way to brag about those cupcakes the mother whipped up for her kid. While using this repetitive word one may realise that the cupcakes are not just perfect, they are also “flawless,” “immaculate,” “impeccable,” “irreproachable,” and “masterful.”
People say “I hate this” when what they really mean is “I mildly dislike this” so often that “hate” has lost some of its punch.
But if one feels that strongly about showing distaste for carrots, one could say you “abhor,” “despise,” “loathe,” or “detest” it.
Very / really
As intensifiers meaning “to a great degree,” “very” and “really” are used interchangeably and far too frequently. These words can often be omitted but if one wants to add emphasis, try “truly,” “genuinely,” “exceedingly,” “profoundly,” “especially,” “particularly,” or “uncommonly.”