A video went viral on social media which a teenage boy, 12, was tied up and being brutally tortured by a shopkeeper in Punjab’s Mian Channu city, ARY News reported on Monday.
A merciless shopkeeper namely Sadiq has allegedly subjected a teenage boy to brutal torture on suspicion of stealing flour. The video showed the boy tied up to a pole and being beaten up by Sadiq.
The incident took place in Mian Channu’s Bora Chowk area.
The viral video sparked outrage among the citizens who slammed the local authorities’ inaction over the torture incident. Later, a team from the City police station rushed to the scene and arrested the accused shopkeeper.
Related: School students torture case: Suspect in ‘viral video’ arrested
In June, a video surfaced on social media that showed a man in Punjab’s Chishtian city torturing his relative by hanging him upside-down over suspicion of stealing gold rings.
It was learnt that the man subjected his relative to torture for allegedly stealing gold rings. In the video, the faces of both the accused and the citizen being subjected to torture can be clearly seen.
Despite the video went viral on social media, police did not take any action against the accused. The incident reportedly took place in the vicinity of the City A Division police station.
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