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Naval forces have always been symbol of strength and prestige for maritime nations. Historically, navies have been employed for power projection and safeguarding maritime trade routes. However, with the evolution of global political system, the role of navies has also expanded into far more intricate and multifaceted realm. Ken Booth, in his book, Navies and Foreign Policy (1977) presented the concept of trinity of naval forces and broadly categorized the responsibilities of naval forces into military diplomatic and policing roles. Based on his illustration, modern naval forces are not only characterized by war fighting and constabulary capabilities, but also by their ability to effectively conduct naval diplomacy.

In general, naval diplomacy is an art of using naval means as political instrument for securing national objectives short of war. According to Kevin Rowland, naval diplomacy is sub-component of military diplomacy and utilizes maritime domain for securing national interests. The diplomatic functionality of naval forces is also multi- spectrum, ranging from benign roles like joint exercises, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations (HA&DR Ops), to coercive roles like forward presence and interdiction operations.

Pakistan’s coastline stretches over 1000 kms. It is strategically located at the Northern flank of the Arabian Sea. The coast offers most feasible sea connectivity to the land locked Central Asian Republics and alternate sea-route to China bypassing Malacca Strait. Plus, its proximity with strategically critical Strait of Hormuz further augments its importance. In sum, Pakistan has all credentials necessary to effectively exercise naval diplomatic prowess.

Pakistan Navy (PN) has always played instrumental role in safeguarding Pakistan’s sea frontiers, and has also actively served as an instrument of national power to strengthen regional cooperation. This includes participation in joint naval exercises, collaborative projects, and initiatives aimed at countering maritime threats. Through these engagements, Pakistan seeks to promote stability and security in the region as well as to build positive image and mutual trust among maritime nations.

The most significant initiative taken by PN in this regard is the conduct of biennial multilateral AMAN naval exercises. PN has been organizing AMAN exercises since 2007 and till date has successfully conducted eight exercises. AMAN exercise is primarily directed to deepen collaboration with friendly naval forces, ensure mutual learning and collaboration, enhance force interoperability, and raise prestige of Pakistan as responsible maritime nation. Additionally, AMAN exercise serves as a common platform to augment professional communication amongst participating naval forces.

Aman-23 was organized from 09 to 14 February 2023 and witnessed participation of fifty nations under the theme “together for peace”. Exercise was split into two phases: harbor phase and sea phase. Harbor phase involved activities like academic seminars, scholarly discourse, and professional discussions. Sea phase included tactical maneuvers involving; anti-piracy, counter terrorism, combat search and rescue, gunnery firing, and air defence exercises.

The most promising aspect of AMAN exercises is International Fleet Review (IFR) comprising of ship formations of host and guests’ naval forces. In Aman-23, nine warships from Pakistan Navy, two patrol vessels from Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA), and seven warships from friendly nations, including China, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and United States, took part in fleet review. The exercise concluded with the participating ships forming up in traditional Aman formation to signify collective resolve under the motif “together for peace”.

Another unique feature of Aman-23 was the parallel conduct of the first of its kind Pakistan International Maritime Exhibition and Conference (PIMEC) and International Maritime Conference (IMC). Both PIMEC and IMC were held at Karachi expo center from 10 to 12 February during the harbor phase. The main objectives were to highlight Pakistan’s potential in blue economy and provide a common platform to national and international maritime firms to interact and showcase their projects. In sum, 133 exhibitors, including 21 international firms and 112 local firms participated in the exhibition. Similarly, IMC was held with theme “Embracing blue economy – challenges and opportunities for developing countries,” and included presentations by distinguished foreign and national speakers. The conduct of maiden PIMEC and IMC was an admirable attempt by Pakistan Navy to set the flag for the projection of maritime awareness, promotion of blue economy, and exploration of untapped potential of Pakistan.

The importance of Aman exercise has augmented even further considening rapidly transforming geo-political and geo-strategic dynamics of Indian Ocean. Recently, Red Sea Crisis has exposed vulnerability of international maritime trade and limitations of modern naval forces against new-age asymmetric threats. AMAN exercise brings

together navies from various nations which subsequently fosters mutual collaboration for safety and security of vital maritime trade routes. Additionally, by promoting collaborative approach to maritime security, AMAN exercise can effectively dilute the destabilizing impact of Indian Navy’s expanding footprint in the Indian Ocean under pretext of net-security provider. In sum, this exercise supports multilateral engagement for balanced power dynamics in Indian Ocean, undermining India’s regional hegemonic ambitions.


In year 2025, ninth edition of AMAN exercise will be conducted in conjunctiori with Inaugural AMAN dialogue. The AMAN dialogue, in particular, will offer a forward-looking platform for continuous discourse on evolving maritime challenges and opportunities, fostering a collaborative environment for addressing future security concerns in maritime domain. Pakistan’s proactive approach in hosting these events will position it as a key player in promoting peace and security in the Indian Ocean for years to come.

In essence, naval diplomacy is gradually becoming a crucial component of Pakistan’s foreign policy toolkit. It enables the country to assert its maritime interests. Contribute to regional stability, and engage constructively with the international community. AMAN exercises represent a remarkable feat of naval diplomacy by Pakistan Navy, effectively advancing both regional and international maritime cooperation. These exercises have allowed Pakistan to project a positive national image, develop maritime awareness, enhance interoperability with friendly forces, and build mutual trust and comradeship. Through such initiatives, Pakistan continues to strengthen its diplomatic ties and affirm its commitment to maintaining a secure and stable maritime domain.

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