A division bench of the court headed by Justice Sajjad Hussain Shah heard the case today. The court granted time to the Sindh police chief and other officials till June 1st for action against the perpetrators of an incident of manhandling of newsmen in the court premises on May 23rd.
The bench in its written decision yesterday said that the apology of the IGP Sindh could not be accepted as he covered up the facts.
I.G. Sindh and other police officials today submitted their unconditional apologies in the court.
The court granted their pleas on the condition that they will meet with the chief minister and determine the perpetrators of the incident and will take immediate action against them.
The bench observed that if the government had took action against them the court had not took the matter in its hand.
Advocate General Sindh said that Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah avoided to take any action after the court took notice of the incident.
The court granted the police officials time till June 1st for action against the perpetrators of the incident and observed that the final decision on the apologies will be made after the Chief Secretary will submit his report in the next hearing of the case.