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Saturday, March 22, 2025

The Pedagogic Dead End

Ours is the Republic, wherein what the masses pursue as their fields of study, and what they practise as vocations for the acquisition of upward mobility and livelihoods are diametrically opposed.

This boils down to one chief issue, which is that of ‘the privation of career counselling’; never in their wildest dreams have the learners thought of heading towards a dead end educationally and professionally solely upon the grounds of not being instructed of what to study in the first place.

It is a thousand pities that the primary source of inspiration in the eyes of a majority of learners is their immediate circle, which generally consists of a better educated relative, who has excelled in a particular branch of knowledge (major) and a line of work (profession) due to his proclivity of those or the mere luck of his; this is quite alarming since it is richly suggestive of a dearth of independent thought, and not possessing it points directly towards being poorly educated. The nation needs to fathom that it is, to an extent, tolerable to be untaught than to be ill-taught since a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

It is about time that the state must overhaul its educative policies by adhering to the Deed (Sunnat) of the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad (PBUH), which is that of the ‘Shura’ since it authorises an individual to proceed towards seeking suggestions from the well-learned, well-versed, and compassionate individuals so as not to commit a mistake in the course of any action; the implementation of this Deed (Sunnat) can be made humanly realisable by inducting the highly qualified Career Counsellors into service, who hold at least 16 years of education in the relevant fields of Career Counselling and Educational Psychology, and the aforesaid candidates upon passage of a competitive examination through rigorous testing shall be permitted to practise at schools, colleges, varsities, and training centres so as to cater to the needs of pupils by advising them upon their educational inclination, the scope of selected major, the career prospects upon culmination of a degree in a field of study, the continuing educative trends, the labour market gap, the availability of career trajectories, and the possibilities of the pursuance of opted course of study.

Our prosperity and progression are contingent upon following the orders of Allah the Glorified and Exalted and those of the Last Messenger of His, namely Muhammad (PBUH). Each Deed (Sunnat) of His shall make us attain favourable outcomes in this world and the afterworld, and the inclusion of career counselling into the educational system shall further cement our belief of having complete faith in the Teachings of the Leader of the Prophets Muhammad (PBUH), who is the greatest preceptor of all time.

Syed Muhammad Fahad
Syed Muhammad Fahad
Syed Muhammad Fahad is an English lecturer, teacher's trainer, grammarian and CSS mentor

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