The incident took place near Nothal when passenger van coming from Jacobabad to Quetta collided head-on with a troller coming in the opposite direction. The dead were identified as Abdul Baqah and Zafar, while five women and two children were among the nineteen others injured.
The injured include Zakir Hussain, Muzaffar Hussain, Abdul Basit, Kabeer Ahmad, Sanaullah, Ghulam Yaseen, Muhammad Arif, Ali Gul, Ameer Hamza, Sumaira, Noreen, Savera, Mai Rani, Adnan Ahmed, Abdul Hafeez and Zafar Ahmed.
They have been shifted to Civil Hospital Dera Murad Jamali, where condition of four of them is said to be critical and have been referred to be transfered to Larkana. Majority of the injured and the dead hail from Interior Sindh.
A state of emergency was declared at the Civil Hospital, while Police officials have taken the troller into custody and started investigations.