With World Emoji Day coming up on July 17‚ the team at HighSpeedInternet.com has released a study about the use of emojis and what they mean around the world.
Generation gaps and confusion aside‚ the most popular emoji among English-speaking countries is the smiley emoji. No surprises there!
Since we have bypassed everyone’s favorite grin well shall move in favor of the second-most-used emoji’s to better highlight the variations and diversity between countries.
According to the survey, the second most used Emoji’s in Canada is the Heart emoji whereas the United Kingdom gave preference to the ‘tears of laughter’ emoji.
Ireland going a bit naughty decided to really go all out with the Poop emoji. Surely some leprechauns are taking a Mikey out of it!
Austraila sided with the tongue in cheek emoji’s while South Africa was all love as their second best used was sending kissed to loved ones!
While Emojipedia, an online source for all things emoji, has specific definitions, our participants saw things differently.
For instance, a few poor souls from South Africa, New Zealand, and Canada mistook the poop emoji’s for chocolate ice cream.
We can see how they were easily beguiled by those perfectly swirled, soft-serve curves, but uh . . . Gross.
The Most Confusing Emoji
The next time you’re updating your social media or sending a text, keep in mind what other people might think of your emoji choices. Culture and age differences can impact the way we perceive things, even with something as simple as a smiley face.
But even if there are some misunderstandings, plenty of emojis are easily understood around the world. We would go as far as to call them the universal language of the internet!