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Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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Enough is Enough: Pakistan Demands Accountability from the Taliban


DJ Kamal Mustafa
DJ Kamal Mustafa
DJ Kamal Mustafa is a filmmaker, musician and DJ. He contributes to leading news organisations with his writings on current affairs, politics and social issues.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, this latest act of aggression from our neighbour to the west. The Afghan Taliban, once seen as a potential partner for peace and stability, have shown their true colours, attacking our border posts with reckless abandon.

This is not just a violation of our (Pakistan) sovereignty; it’s a betrayal of the trust and friendship we have extended to them for decades. Let’s be clear: Pakistan has been Afghanistan’s steadfast ally. We’ve opened our doors to millions of Afghan refugees, providing them with shelter, food, and healthcare. We’ve poured billions of dollars into rebuilding their country. And in return? We’ve been met with ingratitude, hostility, and now, blatant aggression.

The Taliban’s recent attack is not an isolated incident. It’s the latest in a long line of provocations. They’ve harboured terrorists who have targeted our cities. They’ve supported separatist movements within our borders. And now, they’ve crossed the line by attacking our soldiers, who are there to protect our people and our land. Let’s not forget that TTP are being hosted by the Afghan Talibans.

A Bold Act of Aggression: The Taliban’s Unprovoked Attack:

The Afghan Taliban, once again displaying their utter disregard for regional peace and stability, have launched another unprovoked assault on Pakistan’s sovereign territory. On September 7th, these extremist militants, stationed in the Afghan town of Spin Boldak, unleashed a barrage of heavy weaponry on Pakistani border checkpoints. The audacity of this attack is simply breathtaking. The Taliban, having already inflicted immense suffering on the Afghan people, now seek to extend their reign of terror across the border. Their blatant disregard for international law and their relentless pursuit of expansionism poses a grave threat to peace and security in the region. Pakistan, however, will not tolerate such acts of aggression. The Pakistani Army responded swiftly and decisively, retaliating with artillery fire that inflicted heavy casualties on the Taliban. Reports indicate that at least eight Taliban fighters were killed, sixteen were injured, and a Taliban tank was destroyed. Two prominent Taliban commanders, Khalil and Jan Mohammad, were among the dead.

A Resolute Response: Pakistan’s Path Forward

Pakistan’s swift and decisive response to the Taliban’s recent attack has sent a clear message: nahi chalega. We won’t tolerate such acts of aggression. But now, the challenge is to ensure this ain’t just a temporary fix, but a catalyst for real change. Our military has shown its mettle in dealing with the Taliban threat. The quick and effective retaliation has not only deterred further attacks but has also boosted the morale of our forces. But let’s be real: military solutions alone won’t solve the problem. To put pressure on the Afghan government and force them to take action against the Taliban, we need a multi-pronged approach.

First, we need to strengthen our diplomatic channels with Afghanistan and engage in high-level talks. We must demand that the Afghan government take concrete steps to dismantle Taliban safe havens and prevent them from using Afghan territory to launch attacks against Pakistan. Second, Pakistan should explore economic leverage. Imposing targeted sanctions on Afghan officials and entities linked to the Taliban could serve as a powerful deterrent. Additionally, we could reduce or suspend economic assistance to Afghanistan until the government takes decisive action against the militants.

Third, we should actively engage with the international community to build a united front against the Taliban. By rallying support from key stakeholders, we can increase pressure on the Afghan government and isolate the Taliban. The United Nations, the European Union, and other influential countries should be urged to condemn the Taliban’s attacks and demand that the Afghan government take responsibility for ensuring the security of its borders.

It’s time for the international community to wake up. The Taliban can no longer be treated as a legitimate government. Their actions are a direct threat to regional peace and security. We must hold them accountable for their crimes. Pakistan, for its part, must respond more with strength and resolve. We cannot allow our sovereignty to be trampled upon. We must protect our citizens and our territory at all costs. The future of Afghanistan and Pakistan is intertwined. We can either choose to live in peace and cooperation, or we can continue down the path of conflict and division. The choice is clear. It’s time for the Taliban to understand that their actions have consequences. Let’s make it clear: Pakistan will not stand idly by as its citizens are threatened. We are committed to protecting our sovereignty and ensuring the safety of our people. It’s time for the Afghan government to do its part and take decisive action against the Taliban.

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