It is turning out to be a nightmare for one to be associated with journalism in Pakistan.

Harassment, intimidation, abduction and physical assaults come concomitant with Journalism. Historically this sector has played crucial role in shaping democratic patterns and norms in the society.

The courageous fraternity of press Workers have braced against challenges of all ages with great resolve. The contribution made by journalists is great that one could not sum that up in a matter of words. The struggle waged by them speak for itself, be it the days of martial law under Zia Ul Haq or the suppressive acts of authoritarian civilian or military regimes.

Journalism has undergone a massive transformation so has the challenges that have now evolved into various patterns. Today, Media persons face intruding challenge in the form of Trolling for being blatant against any political party or other power circle. Their privacy gets intruded, their personal acts become mocked up and they are reduced to limited professional space. In short, all power circles have customarily tailored limits for Journalism as per their own ideology, philosophy and set of values. Everyone wants a Journalist to be their mouthpiece rest he won’t stand a chance in the mainstream.

In todays age of cyber and digital activism, new threats have emerged to the fore. Journalists were previously subjected to conventional threats of intimidation and harassment but now they are traced and eliminated. This is worst form of vengeance against who dare to speak what circumstances call for. The truth is bitter to digest so are its consequences! The case of Slain Journalist Arshad Sharif is point in example that does not need any further elaboration.

The question now, however, is when will we have a complete freedom to uphold our professional values and observe complete impartiality and merit. The biggest demotivation to stay in the profession is the unannounced censorship. Previously, policy guidelines used to justify what was to be aired and what not. Today, no matter how you work hard on some story, your stuff will blackened out instantly if it is not appealing to certain quarters.

Hence, the rise in authoritarianism culture in democracies all across the world especially in the south-Asian republics the prospects for uninterrupted press freedoms seems dimmer. However, the courageous heroes within the profession offer a glimmer of hope that one day Journalism will flourish in Pakistan and people will have unrestricted access to uncensored information something that the supreme document of the land promises.