A spine-chilling incident was caught on closed-circuit television (CCTV) in United States New Jersey’s North Caldwell neighborhood. Just before midnight, a stolen vehicle run over an embankment and fell down onto a house.
After being confronted by two police officers when they spotted the stolen car, the driver lost control and allegedly ran over an embankment falling more than 21-feet above.
Prior to crashing on top of a garage and a vehicle, the car slammed through two metal gates.
“We thought we heard garage doors banging real loud,” said neighbor Jackie Mincica. After few seconds, police officers ran down the street with their guns drawn.
“Everyone was screaming including a kid and the police. They were telling everybody to get inside,” said Mincica. “I have seen them running and the cops arresting somebody. Unbelievable. There was a car on top of a car.”
Neighbors say a man then took off running but was arrested and taken into custody. A female occupant trapped in the car was also arrested. The occupants of the suspect vehicle were able to escape and fled on foot.
Detectives and surrounding agencies took two suspects into custody and had them transported to trauma centers for medical evaluation.
Upon arrival of the police officials, the vehicle fled on Hilltop Drive striking 2 parked vehicles. Both suspects were treated and released into the custody of North Caldwell Police.
Luckily, no bystanders or home occupants were injured.